Dear Everyone

Thank you for your beautiful letters. Sometimes things get my brain in a
twist and reading your words of support really does my heart good. 
I shouldn't think so much. A big Merry Christmas to all of you poor popsicles
out there in winterland (it is bloody freezing here in N.Y.C). Stay warm, people. 
Dear Santa, I want a new ozone layer. Get those elves cracking!!! 
The Band and I are in writing-mode now, doing well together, they send their love. 
I am sure you wont see us until the summer of '96 - then we're really
gonna freak out, man! Can't wait. Maybe we record in the spring? Don't know yet. 
Also, may you all find the best of Happiness in the year to come.  
DON'T FEEL DOWN! '96 must rule! 
New Positive Mental Attitude Slogan: " DUDE, FUTURE...IT ROCKS". 
You have our best. We love you , too.

Sincerely, Jeff Buckley N.Y. DEC, 95

 futureā€¦it rocks